Advisory Council on Jewish Inclusion

Our Mission

The mission of the Advisory Council on Jewish Inclusion is to serve the Jewish community at Colorado State University (CSU) by working with other university entities to build a more inclusive environment for Jewish people on campus.  

We approach this work in four main ways: 1) communication about Jewish life, culture, and events through social media channels and other university venues, 2) education through training on antisemitism and the development of curricula for students interested in Jewish Studies broadly, 3) programming (events, speakers, workshops) that raise awareness about Jewish diversity and issues facing our community, and 4) bias mitigation through consultation with university entities that receive bias reporting and offer support.  

In general, the work of the ACJI is defined by the recommendations made to former President McConnell in June of 2021 by the Presidential Taskforce on Jewish Inclusion and the Prevention of Antisemitism.

About the council

Colorado State University is committed to equity, inclusion, diversity and social justice that embraces differences and celebrates commonalities across identities and communities. In response to antisemitic acts on the CSU campus as well as an alarming national and global increase in antisemitism, an Action Plan for the Prevention of Antisemitism at CSU was introduced to the university in multiple instances, including to the President in a special meeting with the Jewish community and in the Diversity Symposium in Fall 2019. This work was also covered by the media (see: Coloradoan, Collegian). The Action Plan was submitted to the CSU Race, Bias and Equity Initiative and a Presidential task force was recommended as a first step.

The formation of a Presidential  Task  Force was recommended as a first step in efforts to combat antisemitism on campus and to educate the CSU community about Jewish diversity. In June of 2020, the  Presidential task force began its work to improve the university climate for Jewish students, faculty and staff during a period of alarming national and global increases in antisemitism.   The formation of a Presidential Task Force was recommended as a first step in efforts to combat antisemitism on campus and to educate the CSU community about Jewish diversity. In June of 2020, the Presidential taskforce began its work to improve the university climate for Jewish students, faculty and staff during a period of alarming national and global increases in antisemitism.   

The main goals of the Presidential Task Force were to create a more Jewish-inclusive campus, confront and prevent antisemitism at the university, educate the broader CSU community on the rich diversity and history of those who identify as Jewish, and provide support for Jews and others. 

The Task Force was first co-chaired by Dr. Carolin Aronis (CSU Special Advisor on Prevention of Antisemitism and then a Research Fellow in the Department of Communication Studies) and Dr. John Henderson (Associate Dean of Students), and later on by Dr. Aronis and Dr. Mica Glantz (Professor of Anthropology, Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Geography and Interim Chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies). It included faculty, staff, and student leaders from Hillel, Chabad, several academic departments, the office of the Vice President for Diversity, Housing and Dining Services, the Career Center, and a representative of the Fort Collins community.  


Executive Summary of Recommendations

The Presidential Task Force on Jewish Inclusion and the Prevention of Antisemitism was established in June 2020. The Task Force was charged with identifying the best and most immediate ways to create a more Jewish-inclusive campus, confront and prevent antisemitism, educate the broader CSU community on the rich diversity and history of those who identify as Jewish, and provide support for Jews and others. This document serves as a review of the work completed since the Task Force was formed and a road map for future work as described in eight recommendations.


  • Improve hate and bias incident reporting procedures, oversight, and transparency.
  • Offer better support options and follow-up for those impacted by antisemitism.


  • Provide specific training on antisemitism and Jewish diversity in a number of formats and for different audiences.
  • Hire two new faculty who specialize in aspects of Jewish Studies in order to design and implement curricular initiatives encouraging Jewish inclusion and knowledge of Jewish culture and traditions.


  • Simplify and normalize the religious accommodations process regarding Jewish holidays and life cycle events for Jewish students, faculty, and staff by including specific and inclusive instructions for supervisors and for chairs to provide to faculty.
  • Open a brick-and-mortar Jewish Diversity Center on campus.

Strategic Planning

  • Include Jewish diversity and antisemitism topics in a campus-wide survey about race, ethnicity, bias, and inclusion perceptions. The survey will address the Jewish community among other underrepresented groups.
  • Secure long-term practices for Jewish inclusion and the prevention of antisemitism that model those of other underrepresented groups on campus.

June 2021

Meet the ACJI Council members

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