Symposium video archives
BIPOC Student Organization’s View on How to Approach Mentor/Mentee Relationships
Presented by Dr. Shane Kanatous, Melissa Morado
Colorado State University’s The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter is an inclusive group of BIPOC students and professionals in the sciences dedicated to fostering community and success.
Students have expressed that they often seek and prioritize mentors who share some aspect of identity, whether it is an overlap in research interests or an overlap through racial or gender identity. However, there is a false narrative that BIPOC students who do not share an identity with their mentor will not be as successful and that these mentors are unable to advise them. This expectation may lead to overwhelming expectations for both mentors and mentees, which may affect student retention in the sciences.
SACNAS CSU will discuss aspects of how both mentors and mentees can take the initiative to have honest, successful, effective communication between individuals, regardless of identity. Broad topics that will be covered include building communication skills, self-identity, imposter syndrome, and the challenges with mentorship.
Other Symposium videos:
Presented by Dr. Derek Lopez, Dr. Shannon Archibeque-Engle
Presented by Stephanie Moreira