symposium for inclusive excellence
Symposium video archives
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Supporting Students
Supporting SWANA Students
Presented by Hiba Abdeljalil
Disclaimer: Although there is movement to shift towards SWANA a lot of the resources provided is more from a MENA Lens because of lack of resources on SWANA.
We have often wondered why so many students from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are categorized as white in the census. When, this categorization wrongfully describes their lived experience. In this session, we will be learning about the history of MENA in the United States and how the White washing of MENA students has resulted in issues supporting them within Higher Education.
Other Symposium videos:
From Consultation to Meaningful Engagement with Indigenous & Marginalized Communities in Conservation
Presented by Allison Brody, Gemara Gifford
Practicing What We Preach: Using the Planned Change Process to Acknowledge and Address Bias Within the School of Social Work
Presented by Quinn Hafen, Paula Yuma
Embodied Ecology: Supporting Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Ecological Practice
Presented by Ember Bradbury