Symposium video archives
Developing JEDIs: Broadening HSI STEM by Empowering Student Wellness & Community Building
Presented by Molly Becker, Shelby Bitz
The pursuit of higher education challenges students by engaging them in rigorous academic exploration and courageous personal development. This environment is uniquely impactful on students belonging to STEM disciplines.
The Mentoring Access Platforms in STEM (MAPS) Grant is a Title III, Part F Department of Education HSI STEM program at Colorado State University Pueblo. Our impassioned task is to support low-income, first-generation, Latinx, and historically underrepresented minority student populations in high-impact programming to increase their academic success. This work includes supporting undergraduate students through paid research opportunities, internship programs, professional development, tutoring support, and other programs and resources.
This work also includes holistic student support. As such, The MAPS Center for STEM Support was proudly created to directly address the mental health and wellness concerns of STEM students and advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) efforts in the STEM College.
Through an engaging lecture-style presentation, The Center for STEM Support (CSS) staff will provide detailed information on the development of the CSS, the students we serve, inclusive programming efforts, and more.
Other Symposium videos:
Presented by Madigan Turnquist and Sam Boren
Presented by Ana Cloeter, Lynsey Fenter, Courtney Martinez