
Data & Planning

The Office of Inclusive Excellence leads two major data and planning initiatives, the Employee Climate Survey and the Diversity Strategic Plans. Additional university-wide strategic planning related to diversity and inclusion is being completed through the Courageous Strategic Transformation process, lead by the Inclusive Excellence Drafting Group.

Employee Climate Survey

The Colorado State University Employee Climate Survey, launched in 2012, is administered every three years to all CSU faculty and staff. The Assessment Group for Diversity Issues, a committee of State Classified Personnel, Administrative Professionals and faculty members, supported by the Office of Inclusive Excellence, developed the university-wide metric as a means of assessing the climate of CSU.

Learn more about the Employee Climate Survey and see the most recent results

Diversity Strategic Plans

In 2016, The Colorado State University Strategic Plan established diversity, equity, inclusion, and campus climate as a priority and defined goals that all parts of campus should work to accomplish. One of the many ways that these goals are being accomplished is through the creation of Diversity Strategic Plans by each college and division within the institution.

Learn more about the Diversity Strategic Plans